Hi all,
I am experiencing a certain problem, and will try to explain it as well as I
I have a list of links that I am trying to output in a 2 column format, very
similar to Yahoo! main menu design. As you know there are main Categories
listed with sub categories right underneath them. kind of like:

News                            Computers
    - World, US..                -Software, WWW...

Business                        Reference
    - B2B, Companies..        - Encyclopedias, Lists..

Now, I have in my database 2 tables - categories, and sub-categories, which
are linked together thru a category id. The idea is to ouput the categories
with their subcategories with them in a 2 column format.

I can output 2 columns correctly if I only ouput the categories. or if I
just output the subcategory. However it gets all very hairy if join the
tables and output using the GROUP parameter of CFOUTPUT.

The problem arises when there are a dissimilar number of subcategories for
each category. In my code it looks for <cfif currentrow MOD columncount eq
0>  to determine if the current row's MOD 2 is 0 to know if 2 columns have
already been output, but when there are different no. of subcategories, this
logic statement gets evaluated at the wrong point than the one I want it to.
Right now it is printing 3 columns for one row and only one column for
another, while the rest of the rows are alright with 2 columns.

What I mean is that if a certain category has 1 sub-cat. and the other has 2
sub-cats, the output counts them as 3 rows total and instead of starting a
new row after the category and its sub-cats have been output, it tries to
start a new one as soon as  2 columns have been evaluated. So even though
the 3rd row is still part of the main category, for the logic statement,
it's a NEW row.

Sample output:  [ numbers are rowcount ]
1-Administration                            2-Daily Reports
        1- Areas |                                  2- Divisions |

3-Data Entry                                  4-Help
3- Products |                                     4- About |

5-MDS                                        6-MSDS
5- Areas |                                       6- Facilities |

7-Process Control                        9-Production    10-Reports
7- Business | 8- Divisional |             9- Reports |      10-Data |
*** 3 columns****

11-SSOP                                     12-Safety
     11- Tasks |                                 12- Data |

13-Sales                                    ***** problem****
        13- Facilities |                   ****just 1 column***


To stop confusing you further, I am including the code snippet to accomplish

<!--- the query to gather the info --->
<cfquery name="mainpage">
SELECT   mnu_categories.category_id,

FROM   mnu_categories, mnu_sub_categories
WHERE      mnu_categories.category_id = mnu_sub_categories.category_id
<!--- end query--->

<!--- set vars --->
<cfset columncount = 2>
<cfset MaxRows = mainpage.recordcount>
<!---/ set vars --->

<!--- output--->

<table >
<cfoutput query="mainpage" startrow="1" maxrows=#MaxRows#
 <a href="index-orig.cfm?action=cat.cfm&c=#category_id#">
     #currentrow#-<b>#category_name#</b></a>  <!--- current row output for
                     <font face="Arial" size="-2">#currentrow#-
                            #sub_cat_name#</a> | </font>
       <cfif currentrow MOD columncount EQ 0>
          <cfif currentrow NEQ MaxRows>
<tr bgcolor="FFFFFF" >
          <cfelseif currentrow EQ MaxRows>
          <cfloop FROM="#Evaluate(columncount-(currentrow MOD
columncount))#" TO="1" STEP="-1" INDEX="i">


I would really appreciate if anyone can help me with this. The code should
be able to take on any no. of subcategories and out put them nicely without

Hassan Khawaja


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