oh geez! thats getting a little bit nit picky dont you think?
 lets see my clients host at hostmysite.com
 its $133.55 a yr that = $11.13 a month with free domain name (smarter power 
 and you cant argue that they are not a good host!

 I can already see the php crowd drooling over this

 OMG!!! i can switch to php and retire at the end of the year!! hurrayyyyyyy

From: Adam Haskell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 10:50 AM
To: CF-Talk <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
Subject: Re: CFMX 7 feature breakdown 

Everyone is throwing around this idea that Coldfusion is just as
"free" as PHP...but the fact is that Coldfusion cost more to the PHP
to the shared hosting person. I can get a good solid PHP host for
under $10/month ($7.95 @ crystal tech if i recall). Point me to a
reliable CF hosting company that offers this...

Adam H 

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 18:17:45 -0500, dave  wrote:
> ok first of all, i know you all have a hard time with how I write and I 
> appologize for that. Most of the day I spend talking to my nephews and neices 
> who range from 2/ 1/2yrs to 12 yrs and thats how they can understand(im & txt 
> messaging), so its habit, plus i'm a really BAD typer! So after this message 
> I'm going to bestbuy to get Beavis Macon teaches typing!
> and I promise too try better :)
> (3 medical degrees, you'd think I would do better!)
> "Art school sounds like a bad place to learn about programming."
> yeah Dave they are BUT this kind of thinking is what kills coldfusion!
> Sure it's a bad place to learn how to build a full out application. But lets 
> take a graphic artist for example. Most of them do their courses in photoshop 
> and illistrator but then they also take flash courses. So they learn how to 
> make this nifty lil flash sites which contain a contact page, so then they 
> learn enough php to send the email. Last time i checked sending an email from 
> cfm was a bit easier than php. (remember when we had to use matts mail in cgi 
> from matts scripts archive haha)
> ok so you say big deal!
> well it is a big deal because from now on they will most likely end up using 
> php when it could be coldfusion!
> And i know we all get along so well with the graphics ppl but what I see is 
> that these graphics ppl(people) are finding it very difficult to find a good 
> job so they start to learn programming and where do they go? (hint php) why? 
> because they have some familiarality with it and they think its the "free" 
> answer.
> Now contrary to what mischa says, not everyone builds enterprise sized apps, 
> not everyone has their own server and certainly not everyone has a background 
> in C. I'd assume that if you asked most php developers what C is that they'd 
> say its the letter thats between B and D. And if you did have a background in 
> C wouldn't you really most likely got to .net anyways?
> There are a ton of php developers of course but how many are actually doing 
> prodjects that are "small"?
> I don't have any concrete numbers but i would say a big majority of ppl that 
> use php use it for very small things (sending emails, basic database 
> manipulation, etc..) so I think those numbers about users really does lie. 
> There are some ppl that do great things with php but a majority are just 
> novice users who use it because its "free" or because they can just plug in 
> phpbb or an image gallery app or phpnuke, etc.... But mostly cause they are 
> just uninformed.
> We can fight about this all we want but really it comes down to this, all 
> these hundreds of thousands of ppl that use php cause its "free" and are on 
> shared servers just dont know that to them and a majority of their clients 
> that coldfusion is just as free, period!! They just don't know!
> ANd honestly, if you were a newbie again which would be easier to learn and 
> understand? Course ppl are different but there is a reason why cfm is still 
> around.................
> ----------------------------------------
> From: Dave Watts 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 11:52 AM
> To: CF-Talk 
> Subject: RE: CFMX 7 feature breakdown
> > ... and he says well in art school they tell u that
> > coldfusion is really expensive.
> Art school sounds like a bad place to learn about programming.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> http://www.figleaf.com/
> Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
> Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
> Visit http://training.figleaf.com/ for more information!

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