
You know what? That's awesome. Converting our W2K box to SuSE 8.2 back 
in the day is what made a Linux believer out of me. We had nothing but 
trouble with our W2K box and as soon as our SuSE 8.2 box went into 
production, it just ran. No crashes, no strange/inexplicable errors, it 
just ran. It was such sweet bliss that I've never gone back! I knew 
nothing about Linux before that, other then the vague rumors I kept 
hearing about the strange things called stability and security.

I do have to admit though that with the SuSE 9 release things have been 
a bit more difficult.

If you want something that goes a bit more smooth, try CFMX on CentOS 
3.4 ( It's a RHEL clone so anything that runs on RHEL 
should run on CentOS 3.4 without a hitch. It can be updated 
automatically with YUM (and yumd - for free) and is completely free to 
download and use.

We currently have CFMX running on CentOS and it's been running for 
several months now without so much as a hiccup! Vivio Technologies will 
be releasing CFMX 7 powered VPS Accounts that run on CentOS 3.4 as soon 
as we can scrape together the money to buy everything that's needed for 
it. (hardware, software, CFMX 7 licenses, etc.) Once it's ready it'll be 
great! We're excited about it... anyway... tangent.

Yeah, try CentOS if SuSE gives you too much trouble. I'd recommend it to 
anyone. =)

Warm regards,

Jared Rypka-Hauer - CMG, LLC wrote:

>The Linux one was Windows filesystem errors...
>The Mozilla one allowed a local user to upgrade their privs... at
>first I was thinking, eh, that's not THAT big of a deal. But then I
>started thinking... hacker hacks in, hacker gets SU, hacker does
>nasties. EVEN if you're cut your users back to poweruser or something.
>So, yeah, that's a deal.
>Spent last night putting CMFX6.1 on a SuSE 9 box I'm going to replace
>my current Win2k3 server with... and, well, it was moderately painful
>in spots. Then again, I knew that going in since this is the second or
>third time putting CFMX on SuSE 9. Unsupported platforms always have
>their oddities.
>And I'm getting really really good at compiling Jrun connectors! hehe...
>On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 08:05:30 -0800, Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I am sure this will be on the news soon, but it looks like a slew of
>>security problems on windows were reported lately (I was going to
>>write a ripping blog, but I windows guys on this list may want to
>>know). There is also a firefox one (I think it's a new one) - The DLL
>>(any) are a bit concerning...
>>21. Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE)

Warm regards,
Jordan Michaels
Vivio Technologies

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