I was going to suggest Joe Celko, too... it is worth the ea!


On Feb 14, 2005, at 8:12 PM, Rob Munn wrote:

> Joe Celko has a great example of tree modelling using nested sets in  
> "SQL
> for Smarties". In fact, he has a PHP class for doing just this released
> under gpl. Check it out:
> http://phpclasses.mirrors.nyphp.org/browse/package/1374.html
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joe Rinehart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "CF-Talk" <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
> Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 6:26 PM
> Subject: Re: Tree Traversal / Storage Algorithm
>> It can also be done w/o recursion using what's known as "modified
>> preorder tree traversal," which is a really neat extension of the
>> adjancency list model.  There's a good tutorial on it at
>> http://www.sitepoint.com/article/hierarchical-data-database ....one
>> day I'll blog it into CF.
>> -joe
>> On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 01:57:52 -0000, Paul Vernon
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Looks like you will be needing a recursive type of function to do
> this...
>>> Funnily enough, I just wrote something for a manufacturers stock 
>>> control
>>> system where they have an end product and the component tree used to
>>> describe the item can be n levels deep and a items wide. I ended up
> using
>>> the function below to build a structure recursively by calling 
>>> itself so
>>> that it traversed the entire structure one layer at a time.
>>>         <cffunction name="retrieveItemComponents" access="public"
>>> returnType="struct" output="true"
>>>                 hint="Recursively lists all the child items for a
> specific
>>> parent item">
>>>                 <cfargument name="ItemID" type="numeric"
> required="true">
>>>                 <cfquery name="q" datasource="#instance.dsn#">
>>>                         SELECT I.ItemName, S.ItemID AS ChildItemID
>>>                         FROM Items I, SubItems S
>>>                         WHERE I.ItemID = <cfqueryparam
>>> value="#arguments.ItemID#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER">
>>>                         AND I.ItemID = S.ParentItemID
>>>                 </cfquery>
>>>                 <cfif q.recordcount GT 0>
>>>                         <cfset var ItemStruct = StructNew()>
>>>                         <cfset ItemStruct.siblings = "">
>>>                         <cfloop query="q">
>>>                                 <cfset var currentItem =
>>> listItems(-1,ChildItemID,-1)>
>>>                                 <cfset ItemStruct.ItemID = 
>>> ChildItemID>
>>>                                 <cfset ItemStruct.ItemName =
>>> currentItem.ItemName>
>>>                                 <cfset ItemStruct.ItemCode =
>>> currentItem.ItemCode>
>>>                                 <!--- here we go with the recursive
> bit --->
>>>                                 <cfset StructInsert(ItemStruct,
>>> "ItemID#ChildItemID#", retrieveItemComponents(ChildItemID,
>>> arguments.enabledOutput))>
>>>                                 <cfset ItemStruct.siblings =
>>> ListAppend(ItemStruct.siblings, ChildItemID)>
>>>                         </cfloop>
>>>                         <cfreturn ItemStruct>
>>>                 <cfelse>
>>>                         <cfreturn var ItemStruct = StructNew()>
>>>                 </cfif>
>>>         </cffunction>
>>> Essentially, we have to tables, Items is the one storing the items 
>>> and
>>> SubItems has just two fields.. ItemID and ParentItemID. This allows 
>>> me
> to
>>> represent a tree structure of any width and depth...
>>> There are probably ways to do this in some forms of SQL but this 
>>> method
> was
>>> my only option. It's reasonably neat and produces a nice little
> structure to
>>> use...
>>> Paul

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