Here's a thought...

You discover a bug in closed-source software.  You notify the
developers.  You are told, after paying the $xxx per-call support fee
that yes, this is a bug and will be fixed in the next version.  You wait
X months/years and the new release costs another few hundred/thousand $,
just for your fix.

You discover a bug in open-source software.  You notify the develpers.
They say "cool, we'll fix that".  The new version has this fix and is
released a few days/weeks after the initial notification.

Given that most of the tools I use are open source, a) I'm geeky, b)
I've had experience with many web development languages out there so if
I find a bug/problem in an OSS tool I'm using I often fix it myself and
contact the developers with the *fix*.  This is something I did recently
with the mailing list system PHPList.  It has lots of features but is
quite buggy.  So after comparing it to the alternatives I joined the dev
team and have been squishing lots of bugs.

(Note: I'd use a CFML list manager if our web host supported CFML)

Those are my experiences anyway.

Damien McKenna - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Limu Company - - 407-804-1014
#include <stdjoke.h>

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