Yeah...the fact that video editing is sooooo easy is the whole point...Flash
could be, too,
if MM knew how to design an interface...actually, if they would just include
some pre-built
animations like Swish, then all would be well...(There may be some in the
latest version, which
I downloaded...but I didn't see them...all I saw was the same ole difficult
to use interface.
Usually, I don't want to go to a lot of trouble (or expense) to make
something, especially some
basic, site-enhancing animation...but with Flash, I've found it all
difficult...the same way Dreamweaver
is...powerful, but a pain to use...*overkill* most of the time.  (At least
in my market)

As far as video goes...yes, it can be quick and easy, but the high-end
productions take a lot
of editing, animation, etc...but that's ok, because most interfaces have
matured to offer a lot of
functionality built-in to editors.  I don't have to set all the parameters
involved in a cross-over fade,
I just drag the fade into position and the program figures out the rest.
Flash should be able to do
the Swish...


-----Original Message-----
From: dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 4:29 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Flash Remoting remains as elusive as ever

It's just different, like learning a new editor, most ppl still think of it
like it USED to be not how it now is.
 I mean come on, you all know I'm clueless and i can do it, so you should be
able as well!!

 Rick, the video part is
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy that its

 Here is something kelly had me make, took me all of 10-15 minutes maybe **warning semi-adult content**
although that wasnt the fianl version as it sticks sometimes but I forgot
where the other one is.

 Personally, I think using swish or flash candy is what gives flash a bad
 I'll tell you this though, flash is as powerfull as you want or need it to
 Just gotta get used to the enviroment.
 And it's very "grown-up", once you get inside of it you can plainly see
that :)

 further more, you don't need remoting to get data in, you can just retrieve
simple variables like a normal cfm page or grab the data off of a cfc or use
the FLASH.var or by url string, xml, plain text, csv, web services,

From: "Rick Faircloth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 3:51 PM
To: CF-Talk <>
Subject: RE: Flash Remoting remains as elusive as ever

I feel your pain, too, Kevin.

I looked into Flash when it first came out and found it very
frustrating and time-consuming to use. And I do computer-based
video production all the time as part of my business, so I'm very
familiar with timelines and timeline animation. In the early days,
it was just too expensive in terms of labor and price to use...customers
weren't interested in paying me enough to create eye-candy.

Remoting came along and I tried it again...required learning action-script
and purchase of the still expensive software...too much of a learning curve,
And all the while, I'm watching sites begin to make good, judicious use of
to enhance sites.

I even downloaded Flash MX 2004 Pro to see what changes were made to make
it more "developer-friendly"...good try, but not good enough for me.

I tried a less-expensive solution that is intuitive and easy to use for
basic animated
effects...eye-candy...but for the price of only $100 and very little labor
to produce
nice results...a lot of built-in effects...just select and apply...(forget
all that "tweening" stuff...ridiculous...) is the place to check out some easy to use Flash creation
software...they even
have a Flash video creation program...haven't done too much with
that...results weren't that great...

I think they do have some remoting possibilities there, but I've given up on
that again for now.

It's nice, however, to spend just a little time and *intuitively* be able to
create some nice Flash movies.
And, yes, I do use tutorials and read help files and use books...MM's
program is the problem.
It's still trying to figure out what it wants to be when it grows up...

My .02 (+.02) ...


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 3:24 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Flash Remoting remains as elusive as ever

Despite the thread title, I wasn't talking specifically about Remoting. I
was just talking about the whole Flash thing. We do very few Flash projects
so each time one comes our way it's like starting from scratch again. And
that's just exacerbated by the changes from version to version.


-----Original Message-----
From: dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 2:02 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Flash Remoting remains as elusive as ever

while that might be true it also isn't.
 Flash remoting is a lot simpler to use then pulling in xml or a web
service, well actually they all are easy to get into flash its after they
are in where it confusing.
 With remoting its confusing because they have changed the way the classes
interact but overall its easier just not too much readily available info out
there yet.
 I would even start with just making the connection with the remoting
component and then study the code it writes for you, really only takes about
30 seconds to use the component but its also limited too where you can use
 Also look in flash's help section there is a lot of info in there, there
are also remoting examples in there as well. has a tut using the remoting component and tom much as a
couple of other ones in there too.
 I'll try to get a copy of dennis' presentation from our cfug too but that
was way over my head!!

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