On Feb 19, 2005, at 7:49 PM, James Holmes wrote:

> Java way:
> 1) Call class to return just the chosen info on the single file in 
> which you
> are interested.


<cfexecute name="mdls" arguments="/mypath/myfile" variable="myMetadata">


kMDItemAttributeChangeDate = 2004-10-20 01:00:15 -0700
kMDItemBitsPerSample       = 24
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kMDItemUsedDates           = (2004-10-19 00:13:04 -0700)

and this is a highly tuned OS-level function (prolly written in C) vs a 
Java function.

> Hmm, hard choice...

It *is* a hard choice... I f you have a Mac running Tiger available

Say what you will, but Mac Tiger has a built-in, automatic 
metada/content SQL db as part of the core file system and OS... 
Something like this was available in BeOS, and planned for Longhorn 

Apple began work on this in 1999 and has a patent, released recently.

Apple is said to have a 1-3 year lead in this technology.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, 20 February 2005 11:39
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Getting IPTC data into a database
> [snip]
> Imagemagic way:
> 1) upload & save file
> 2) cfexecute to imagemagic to extract metadata
> 3) cfquery to insert into sql db
> 4) cfquery to search metadata & return matches
> Spotlight way
> 1) upload & save file -- automatically extracts metadata/content  and
> inserts into an sql db
> 2) cfexecute CLI mdfind command to search metadata/content & return 
> matches
> [snip]

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