Thanks Will, I found that thread and hoped it was being sorted by CT. I
tried to get the error this morning and failed, do you think or know if they
have implemented the fix across all servers? You also mentioned you had it
happen on Firefox, it was the same for me, it might just have been
coincidence but I couldn't get the error on IE6! The browser is the last
place I'd look at for the cause of CF errors, but in this case, with the use
of cookies for the session management, I think there might be a link. But
who knows.

"including my rants" sometimes ranting gets things done, not wanting to
remind you or anyone else about your .Net posts, but I think they were very
useful. As flustered as some people got, it also meant they dug deeper to
explain their thoughts and points of view which for a bystander like myself
maed for an interesting read.

Having you around on CT will be great for those of us less vocal with our

Now, if you could just get CT to hurry up with Flash Remoting on CF7 :OD


-----Original Message-----
From: Will Tomlinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 22 February 2005 20:49
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Will Tomlinson (or anyone else for that matter)...

>... did you get the 'Session is invalid' problem sorted on CrystalTech? I
>just got the error myself and HoF is not letting me on to search the

Here's what they're saying in CT forum.

It turns out the session issue is a bug, just as the issues noted regarding
flash remoting. The remoting issues are resolved, and we received a fix from
Macromedia yesterday for the session timeout issues. It's being tested and
should be rolled out to servers today.

Derek Curtis
Director of Sales and Marketing

Go here to see all the posts on the matter, including my rants! :)



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