It strikes me that you shouldn't be allowing those munged or extraneous 
URL variable values to cause CF to throw errors.  For example, I'd never 
use something like the following

<cfparam name="url.detailedview" default="no" type="boolean">

Instead, I'd use

<cfparam name="url.showdetails" default="no">
<cfif not IsBoolean(url.showdetails)>
  <cfset url.showdetails = "no">

You might accomplish something similar by wrapping the first in a 
cftry/cfcatch, but this is so much simpler, why bother?  If passing a 
numeric value directly from the url scope into a query, do something like

<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_NUMERIC" value="#Val(url.view)#">

Your query may come up empty, but at least you're not throwing errors 
because someone (or something, in your case) decided to get creative with 
the URL.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark W. Breneman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Talk" <>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 10:21 AM
Subject: Sloppy - Yahoo! Slurp throwing CFerrors

> Does anyone else see CFerrors from Yahoo's spider / bot  Slurp? We 
> monitor
> all CFerrors that are generated on our servers. It seems that Yahoo! 
> Slurp
> is responsible for over 60% of the errors per week that are thrown by 
> our
> production webservers. It looks like Slurp is appending almost random 
> values
> to the query strings. id=5%E2%84%91=2 or  it may append an old URL var 
> that
> has not been used for years like "view=archive". (This one throws a
> "CF_SQL_NUMERIC" error now.)  Does anyone know of a way I can get Slurp 
> to
> stop hitting these pages with invalid URL vars? And still keep Slurp
> indexing the site normaly?
> FYI I have a custom cf error page. After thinking about this for a 
> little
> while I can see where my custom cf error page may not look like an error
> page to Slurp.  Any idea of what I can do to make Slurp understand it is 
> an
> error?
> Thanks
> Mark W. Breneman
> -Cold Fusion Developer
> -Network Administrator
>  Vivid Media
> <>
>  608.270.9770

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