
I sympathize with your problem. The multiserver install is quite a bit more 
complicated than the standalone install. The biggest issue always seems to be 
getting the connector installed properly, which is where you seem to be stuck. 
Can you at least get to the JRun Management Console (from the server, If you can get the JRun Console open, then you really 
are not that far from having a running system. 

There should be a folder %JRun_root%/lib/wsconfig/. That is where the config  
information for connections to an external Web server are stored. The wsconfig 
GUI makes numbered folders inside that folder- 1,2,3, etc, for each  external 
Web server connection you create. If that isn't working, you can create the 
connection manually. It's a pain, but I got the hang of it and now I just 
prefer to do everything by hand. I'm running Apache, though, so your config 
will differ somewhat from mine. I have a disabled IIS install from 6.1 that I 
will borrow from.

The basic config goes like this:

1. Create a folder inside %JRun_root%/lib/wsconfig. Call it whatever you want- 
I use the name of the CF server I created rather than a number like wsconfig 
uses by default. cfusion is the name of the default CF server the installer 

2. Inside that folder, create a text file called jrunserver.store. Open the 
file with Notepad and add this line:


where %server_port% is the proxy port for the cfusion server (or other CF 
server you have created) in the JRun Management Console. You'll find that proxy 
port value right on the opening page on the JMC.

3. Inside the same folder, create a text file called jrun_iis6_wildcard.ini. In 
the file add the lines:

#errorurl=<optionally redirect to this URL on errors>

where %JRun_root% is the full path to JRun, e.g. c:/JRun4, %foldername% is the 
name of the folder where you created the file and %server_port% is the same as 
step 2.

4. Find the JRun ISAPI filter for IIS. I think it is called 
jrun_iis6_wildcard.dll. Can anyone else confirm whether that is the same in 7 
as in 6.x? I don't know if that same dll is used for XP, this was from a Server 
2003 install. The IIS 5 file was called jrun.dll.

5. Copy the .dll ISAPI filter from Step 4 into the folder you created under 
wsconfig. You will point to that copy of the file for your IIS config.

6. In IIS, select your Web site, select Home Directory, click Configuration. 
Under Mappings, click Insert next to Wildcard Application Mappings. Point to 
the dll file. My install in 6.1 pointed here: 

7. Back in the wsconfig folder, make a text file called wsconfig.properties. 
I'm borrowing from a 6.1 server config again. In the text file, add these lines:

where "cfusion" is the name of the CF Server in the JMC.

Stop and start JRun Admin Server Service, JRun Default Server Service, and JRun 
CFusion Server Service. 

First thing- run the CF Admin. It will want to install ODBC services, etc. to 
finish the configuration.

I hope that helps, anyone with clarification or corrections? 


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