Hi Mike,

That's the funny part. If the userID and password I provide exists on
the AD, then I get back an empty query, regarding what attributes I
request in the attributes field. If the user doesn't exists then I get
an error: "Inappropriate authentication".
If I  add  "*" for attributes get an error:
"An error has occurred while trying to execute query :Unprocessed
Continuation Reference(s). One or more of the required attributes may
be missing/incorrect or you do not have permissions to execute this
operation on the server"

The customer is using the Windows 2003 Server active directory.

I think it's a setup or permission issue on the AD server.

As I said, for the time being I am OK because if I get back a query
(even empty) I assume the user exists if not then the user does not. I
am sure that in the future they will want more things to be done so I
would like to know what are my possibilities. It's obvious that people
are using it and get the proper info back, so I think it's related to
their setup. Unfortunately I don't know enough about AD to be able to
debug and from their point everything is OK.

Thanks again


On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 09:04:30 -0600, Dawson, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Glad I could help.
> What LDAP directory are you using?  Active Directory or something else?
> In AD, if there is a user, you should get the "CN" as you requested.  It
> should never be empty.  If there is no user, you will get an empty
> query.
> Try using attributes="*" and see if you get anything back.  Using "*"
> for testing is fine, but I don't recommend using it for real work.
> First, it brings back too much data, including binary voicemail
> recordings, (if you have Cisco Call Manager, for example) and it only
> brings back one value in a multi-value field such as "memberOf".
> Again, I'm using AD and these things work for me.
> Now that I look at your code a bit more, you need to specify the filter
> attribute such as:
> filter="sAMAccountName=#userName#"  (Again, this is AD.)
> That is, if the same username for the credentials is the same for the CN
> you wish to retrieve.  By not specifying a filter, you are asking for
> all kinds of stuff.  One of those stuff probably doesn't have a CN or,
> at least, doesn't support returning the CN.
> M!ke
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Victor Moore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 9:56 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: LDAP question
> Modifying the start attribute to Mike's format worked. Hurray!!!
> So in may case this works:
> <cfldap action="query"
>    name="getUser"
>    start="dc=companyName, dc=com"
>    scope="SUBTREE"
>    maxrows="1"
>    server="#serverIP#"
>   attributes="cn"
>   username="#userName#"
>   password="#userPassword#"
>   port="389">
> If the user exists will return a query. Unfortunately it's all the time
> an empty query, regarding what I put in the attributes list.
> For the time being I am OK but I would like very much to be able to
> return some info and not just verify that the user exists.
> Thanks Mike
> Victor

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