>The file version of my jrun.dll is It's not working for .cfm
>files (.jsp files seem OK) on IIS5.1/JRun4/CFMX7.
>Can anyone tell me if this is the correct version for CF7? I guess maybe
>not, since it was created by the wsconfig tool which is part of JRun4 which
>pre-dates CF7. If not, where in the CF7 J2EE download - or elsewhere - can I
>find the new one?

Judging from the info Steven Erat sent Mike Kear, the dlls have not changed so 
I don't understand why JRun can't handle CFM requests from IIS.  I'm going to 
repeat my original post on this with a few extra details in case anyone knows 
(Steven?) :

IIS 5.1 on Windows XP Pro. CF running in J2EE mode on top of JRun4.

Befor installing CF7 I decided to re-install JRun. That went fine. I downloaded 
the J2EE version of CF 7 & installed the "cfusion" server in JRun. That's also 
fine. I can run CF apps and JSPs/servlets via the JRun web server with no 
problem. Also, IIS is serving HTML, ASP and Perl with no problems.

Now, to connect CF up to IIS. I ran the JRun Web Server Config Tool and 
connected the cfusion server to the web site in IIS. I see in IIS that the 
JRunScripts virtual dir has been created and the jrun.dll has appeared, and the 
mappings for jsp, cfm, cfc etc have been created.

Now when I hit a .jsp page that's located under wwwroot, it works. So IIS is 
obviously managing to hold *some* kind of conversation with the cfusion
server via jrun.dll.

However, when I try to hit a .cfm page that's located under wwwroot I get
"Cannot find server or DNS error". Or sometimes, it just hangs.

Why would JSPs work but CFMs not?

My wsconfig log file looks like this

2005-02-23 14:31:34 jrISAPI[init:1220]  JRun 4.0 (Build 84683) JRun ISAPI
Extension - Sep  2 2004 07:21:07
2005-02-23 14:31:34 jrISAPI[init:1220]  JRun ISAPI Extension DLL Attaching
2005-02-23 14:31:34 jrISAPI[init:1220]  JRun 4.0 (Build 84683) JRun ISAPI
Filter - Sep  2 2004 07:21:09
2005-02-23 14:31:35 jrISAPI[init:1220]  JRun ISAPI Extension DLL Detaching
2005-02-23 14:31:39 jrISAPI[init:1220]  JRun 4.0 (Build 84683) JRun ISAPI
Extension - Sep  2 2004 07:21:07
2005-02-23 14:31:39 jrISAPI[init:1220]  JRun ISAPI Extension DLL Attaching
2005-02-23 14:31:39 jrISAPI[init:1220]  JRun 4.0 (Build 84683) JRun ISAPI
Filter - Sep  2 2004 07:21:09
2005-02-23 14:33:51 jrISAPI[filter:1220]  jrSend failed[2216]: 10054
Connection reset by peer
2005-02-23 14:42:08 jrISAPI[filter:1220]  jrSend failed[2216]: 10054
Connection reset by peer
2005-02-23 14:57:54 jrISAPI[filter:1220]  jrRecv failed[2216]: 10053
Connection aborted

My jrun.ini file looks like this

#errorurl=<optionally redirect to this URL on errors>
#proxyretryinterval=<number of seconds to wait before trying to reconnect to
unreachable clustered server>
#connecttimeout=<number of seconds to wait on a socket connect to a jrun
#recvtimeout=<number of seconds to wait on a socket receive to a jrun
#sendtimeout=<number of seconds to wait on a socket send to a jrun server>

51002 is the correct proxy port for the cfusion server.

My wsconfig.properties file is:

#JRun/ColdFusion MX Web Server Configuration File
#Wed Feb 23 14:31:34 GMT 2005

My jrunserver.store file just contains "proxyservers="

Any ideas?



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