I am re-writing a scheduling program that was written in ASP/VB to work in Cold
Fusion.  The scheduling program uses an Access Database as its backend.

This is just a small program and we are trying to keep the backend the same and
just re-write the front end.  However, the person that wrote this access
database made the field names contain spaces.   For example, one field name is 6

I didn't think you could have spaces in a field name.  But even so, how do you
tell Cold Fusion the field name?  I didn't think you could use #6 AM#.

I have just started re-writing it and I am going to try referencing the field
name as  #6 AM#, but  I wanted to get feedback.

Is this the right way to do it?  I would like not to have to re-write the back
end just yet.


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