> If someone's installing Visio Enterprise to "work on 
> flowcharts at home", they probably got it from work. 
> Licensing issues aside (since we'll assume they're good 
> there) then their home box gets hosed. PITA, but not much 
> impact on the business.

My point has nothing to do with "impact on the business". You stated that
anyone running an unprotected SQL Server was an idiot. I took issue with
that, and provided a counterexample. It's as simple as that.

> How is this any different than the corporate education about 
> opening attachments (bad) and phishing (bad)? Most people, 
> I'd put forth, *do* know that the internet isn't all that 
> safe and they should be running a firewall. WinXP SP2 finally 
> has it builtin, for gosh sakes.

While most people may know that they should be running a firewall, I doubt
very much that most of these people even know what a firewall is. And when
their system pops up a little message saying "do you want to allow traffic
from [socket 1] to [socket 2]", they'll click the OK button in many cases
even if they don't know the import of their actions. And again, your analogy
with corporate education about attachments just highlights the idiocy of our
industry - we find it more efficient to train untold thousands of people not
to double-click something, rather than design a safe system in the first
place! If we built cars, we'd tell people "don't drive downhill because the
brakes don't work", rather than just fixing the damn brakes. How idiotic is

> Actually, I think the answer to your question is yes, you did 
> have something happen to you that was completely avoidable 
> and probably deserve it. You chose to keep your door open 
> when they're a high likelihood of attack (we're comparing to 
> the security of the internet, remember).

You have a peculiar way of defining "deserved".

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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