They all be right, dude...

So wrap your CFSCRIPT tag in a cftry/cfcatch block. That's not
particularly granular, though, is it? And blowing up a whole block
because one bit errored out is particularly unfortunate...

Here's a thought... if you were to create a UDF inside a CFTRY/CFCATCH
block, with it's own CFSCRIPT tag, that did the bits you needed
try/catch around, and then called that UDF from another CFSCRIPT tag
set, does the CFTRY/CFCATCH work correctly? If it does, that may be
your answer. I'm just unsure of how CF 5 handles that sort of thing...
would the try/catch work correctly when the code inside them is being
executed via function calls from other parts of the page... it strikes
me that the answer to this should be an unequivocal YES... that's how
it's supposed to work. Give it a try...

I also think you need to upgrade. :) Make'em get you a copy of CFMX7
Enterprise, and then start sharing sandboxes, and give us all our own
instance and gateways and stuff, eh?

A guy can try, no?

On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 16:10:48 +0000, Mark Drew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am having a blonde moment (no offence to blondes... but hey)
> can you use try/catch in cfscript in cf5?
> I keep getting errors with it and I cant find the language differences
> page in MM's site
> MD

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