On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 15:53:17 -0600, Kevin Aebig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This makes no sense to me as to why it's failing... If anyone can shed some
> light... I'll owe them a beer.

You aren't declaring your local variables so they are being
overwritten by your recursive calls...

> <cffunction name="makeTree" hint="Creates HTML Tree from Query object">
>         <cfargument name="dataObj" required="true">
>         <cfargument name="parentID" required="true">

Add this:
    <cfset var getCurrentItems = 0 />
    <cfset var checkForChild = 0 />

>         <cfquery name="GetCurrentItems" dbtype="query">
>         SELECT * FROM dataObj
>         WHERE parentid = #parentID#
>         ORDER BY submitted
>         </cfquery>
>         <ul>
>         <cfloop query="GetCurrentItems">
> <cfoutput><li>#GetCurrentItems.comment#(#GetCurrentItems.id#)</cfoutput>
>                 <cfquery name="CheckForChild" dbtype="query">
>                         SELECT * FROM dataObj WHERE parentid = 
> #GetCurrentItems.id#
>                 </cfquery>
>                 <cfif CheckForChild.RecordCount GT 0 >
>                         <cfset makeTree(dataObj, GetCurrentItems.id)>
>                 </cfif>
>         </cfloop>
>         </ul>
> </cffunction>
Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/
Team Fusebox -- http://www.fusebox.org/
Breeze Me! -- http://www.corfield.org/breezeme
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