The XFA is not a link, it's an abstract reference to another
fuseaction in the application.  Consequently it will never contain any
extra information as you describe.  However, what you propose can be
easily synthesized by a supplmental 'self' variable:

self = cgi.script_name;
myself = cgi.script_name & "?#application.fusebox.fuseactionVariable#=";
fullself = "";;

then just use the appropriate variable when you create your link.

<a href="#myself##xfa.myXfa#">click here</a>

I personally never use a 'self' or 'fullself' style variable, and so
just name the 'myself' variable 'self', though from what I've seen,
I'm in the minority.  Most people use at least 'self' and 'myself' as
separate variables.

Another route to consider might be a custom tag that simply accepts an
XFA and renders an A tag to the HTML stream.  I've done this for SEF
URLs, where the tag derefernce the XFA against an in-memory database
to render a SEF link, rather than link containing the actual XFA.  The
new destination gets dereferenced back to the original XFA for a
standard fusebox request when requested:

  <sef:link xfa="#xfa.aboutUs#">About Us</sef:link>
  <a href="/aboutUs.cfm">About Us</a>

aboutUs.cfm (and all other such pages) contains:
  <cfset attribute.fuseaction = application.pageMapper[cgi.script_name] />
  <cfinclude template="/index.cfm" />

The sef:link tag is basically the 'aboutUs.cfm' template, but inverted.


On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 13:34:31 -0500, Damien McKenna
> I'm starting to learn Fusebox 4 (using John Beynon's excellent
> tutorials) and have come up with a question.
> Is there any way to make XFAs include the full URL, path and query
> string required, rather than simply use them as aliases for the bare
> fuseaction name?
> On my FB3 sites I prepend XFA's with the full (dynamically generated)
> hostname, "self" file, and all query strings required (one of our sites
> passes the custom session ID via the URL).  I'm hoping to upgrade our
> sites to FB4 and would like to not have to rewrite everything to follow
> what I see (in the first few pagess of John's tutorial) as a less simple
> way of handling it.
> If there is no way to do this I suggest adding a boolean attribute to
> the XFA tag called "complete".  There would then be two extra global
> fusebox variables, e.g. application.fusebox.xfaCompleteString for
> storing whatever you wanted to go before the XFA, and
> application.fusebox.xfaCompleteStringDefault which would be set to false
> or true, depending on whether you wanted your XFAs to be automatically
> prepended or not.
> Thanks.
> --
> Damien McKenna - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The Limu Company - - 407-804-1014
> #include <stdjoke.h>

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