The point about extended hours is a good one, but I think for now I'm going to 
try to keep my clients in check.  Probably this is something I'll want to offer 
as a next step in growth.  Thanks very much for the info about Vonage..  I've 
checked this out and it seems like a perfect solution for a widespread team.  
My graphic designer is remote in Ontario and that works well..

> To bad it's only open to locals.  I'm in Montréal and remoting isn't 
> bad - I've done it for three years now.  As for the telephone support, 
> I've been on Vonage with US telephone number for my clients in the 
> states.  Just to get a number in Vancouver and transfer calls.  Also, 
> since all long distance is included - just x-fer calls on the service 
> plan.  They also have a roming future that will ring multiple numbers 
> at a time and who ever picks up gets the call.
> Secondly, someone on the East coast could easily extend support hours 
> to earlier in the morning because of the time difference.  Support 
> starting at 6am PST instead of 9am.  Or later depending on the a new 
> employee's schedule (i.e. night workers, etc.).  Sometimes just a 
> little difference - a longer amount of hand holding with a client - 
> can make a difference between choosing shop A and shop B.
> Just a thought - some drawbacks with not being local, but some 
> advantages.  Who wants to come into work at 6am PST in Vancouver to 
> start support hours?
> Peter

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