Okay, I know I said I was going to quit thinking about this, but....

I was driving somewhere yesterday afternoon and thought about this
invalid sessions issue and the problems with the workarounds I had
seen, and I thought that maybe it would help to kill the jsessionid
cookie at some point, after seeing what Paul Kenney does in his
applicaton.cfc approach.

So, here's the code I am using now, which works to a point (on which
more below):

<cfapplication name="THENAME" setclientcookies="Yes"
sessionmanagement="yes" clientmanagement="yes"
<cfapplication name="THENAME"  sessionmanagement="yes"
setclientcookies="Yes" clientmanagement="yes"
sessiontimeout="#createtimespan(0,0,00,0)#" >
<CFCOOKIE name="jsessionid" value="xxxx" expires="now">

Here's what works about it, and what is still flaky:


When a request is made beyond the 60-minutes J2EE session timeout(and
by which time the CF session has long ago timed out), the  "Session is
invalid" error is thrown. This bumps us down to the catch block, where
we create CF sessions that immediately time out, and then overwrite
the jsessionid cookie with one that expires immediately (which means
that it will return the value we have just set for the duration of
this request, but will timeout before the next request). It doesn't
matter what the value is that we set (but about which more below),
because the sole reason we set it is to expire it.

The duration of this request will return undefined for any variable
within the CF session scope. As long as your visitor has not reached
the J2EE timeout in the midst of an operation or sequence that calls
session variables to pass things from page to page, etc., everything
will appear as normal. Even a return from some non-session-using
template to a template in your site that requests a session variable
will seem as normal, i.e., it will act as it always does when some
earlier session has timed out.


The problem with this workaround is that when a request is made once
the J2EE session has timed out, that page will NOT pass on a CF
session variable to the next page, since we have gone to so much
trouble to time it out. So, if your visitor was in the midst of some
sequence where CF session variables carry from one request to the
other, you will not only get the first instance of expired session
(and which would respond to whatever your normal logic or error
trapping is in that case), but also on the NEXT request, there will be
no session variable passed, so you could get some oddball wonky
results, which we hope your regular logic and error trapping will
handle with at least some degree of grace.

Then there's the issue of the jsession cookie being set to some
phantom value. I haven't even plumbed the depths of what problems that
could cause. And then there are the problems of having killed the
jsession cookie, which problems I also haven't explored, other than
the assumption that if you have a login logic and routine that uses
the jsession variable, it would likely mean that you would be sent to
the login screen, put in your login info, and be sent right back to
the login screen, and it would work as expected this second time, all
of which could be confusing. But obviously, anything that calls on the
jsession cookie stands to be troubled by this approach.


I don't set the session timeout to 20 minutes in the catch block, and
the reason is that this will lead to the OTHER variety of "Session is
invalid" error, the well-documented one that occurs when the CF
session timeout is set for longer than the J2EE session timeout, which
error I now look back upon with a twinge of nostalgia.


....because this is on my personal site and blog, where the only thing
I'm using session variables for is carrying a search term forward
through the use of the session variable, and the likelihood of someone
taking a 60-minute break in the midst of a search of my weblog
archives if fairly statistically low.

However, I am the first to say that my fix is not ready for prime
time... I would not put a client site using session variables on CFMX7
until this "Session is invalid" thing is solved by CT/MM, which, now
that I've gone to all this thought to make a workaround, will likely
happen an hour from now!

....why not just switch my search logic to client variables, and I
would respond, don't ask.

Anyway, this is all even more fun than the Sunday New York Times
crossword, and I hope my solution is of use to someone, even with its
admittedly flaky side.

Best to all,


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