Brad Roberts wrote:

> Anyone have a solution for setting the image browse and upload path
> in FCKeditor (version 2 with the default CF connector)?  I'd like to
> share the editor among several sites.

I'm actually (right now) in the middle of writing our own connector to 
cope with the virtual image directories we use for cached on-the-fly 
scaling and mangling of images, but the following should work fine with 
the standard connector unhacked.

You don't say if you're on a Windows or *ix server, but the basic 
solution we use here under Linux/Apache is to symlink the connector to 
somewhere within the vhost's directory tree (the top level image 
selection directory is a good place). If that's not possible on your 
platform, you can always actually copy the connector.

You'll need, of course, to put the fckeditor files themselves in a 
shared location and update the js config to reflect the new (symlinked) 
location of the connector.

FCKConfig.ImageBrowserURL = FCKConfig.BasePath + 

for example.

This is all necessary because of ColdFusion's continuing bizarre failure 
to let an app know what the vhost's base directory actually is; there's 
no way to find out from a file that isn't (as far as ColdFusion is 
concerned) physically in that directory tree. Exposure of 
CGI.DOCUMENT_ROOT (if available) would make life *much* easier... There 
are other ways of doing this, of course: say, a database lookup on 
CGI.SERVER_NAME or just an application variable, but these would require 
changes to the default connector.

Pete Jordan
Horus Web Engineering Ltd

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