Take a look at the Tartan framework.  It looks really confusing
initially, but it takes care of inter-object relationship problems
with a remarkable degree of simplicity once you get your head around

I've also had great success with taking the configuration management
objects (AppLoader, AppManager, ListenerManager, PropertyManager,
etc.) from Mach-II, tweaking them to handle different object types
(services, daos, etc. rather than listeners, filters, events, etc.). 
It's simpler than Tartan, and targetting a different objective, but
its quite effective if you already have a functioning object model and
just need an abstract way to wire it together.  Tartan, just for
comparison, is a framework for implementing the business logic as well
as managing the various objects.


On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 19:54:02 +0800, James Holmes
> I'd like to check on some of the reading I've been doing.
> I am starting to use composition in my CFCs (because I only use inheritance
> for an "is-a" relationship). I want to reuse the objects I've instantiated
> in the central object from the outside; the reading I've done suggests the
> best way to do this is to use a getter method that returns the instantiated
> object.
> E.g. I have some sort of central component
> <cfcomponent output="no" hint="The central component">
>   <cffunction name="init" output="false" returntype="void" access="public"
> hint="The method to instantiate a new object">
>     <cfset oObject1 = CreateObject("component","Component1")>
>     <cfset oObject2 = CreateObject("component","Component2")>
>   </cffunction>
>   <cffunction name="getObject1">
>     <cfreturn _oObject1>
>   </cffunction>
>   <cffunction name="getObject2">
>     <cfreturn _oObject2>
>   </cffunction>
>    ...etc etc
> </cfcomponent>
> I could then, in the CF page that uses the central component, do this:
> <cfset oMyCentralObject =
> CreateObject("component","CentralComponent").init()>
> <!--- now call a method1 in object1--->
> <cfset MyMethodReturn = oMyCentralObject.getObject1().Method1()
> This is how some articles say it should be done - any feedback?

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