I've shown them the audit logs for each bit, but I will arrange to go
through the process step-by-step. That's a good idea. Thanks

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Traher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 18 March 2005 12:52
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Ideas - Your Help Needed

If your client contact is non technical, you may just need to talk them
through the evidence very carefully so they can understand the sequence of
events as you do.

Maybe you could should them as example of entering data and changing data
and then show them the log records that are created from the example.


On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 12:42:01 -0000, Gavin Brook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi All,
>  I've got a little bit of a problem and I hope that you guys would be 
> able to give me advice or shed a little light on a situation I 
> have....
> The Setup
> 1xApplication Server
> - Windows 2003 Web Edition
> - CFMX 6.1 Standard, all patches
> 1xDatabase Server
> - Windows 2003 Standard Edition
> - SQL Server 2000 SP3a
> This setup is running an application that our company wrote to store 
> data relating people. This information is entered through a dynamic 
> form which is configured through an admin interface. The whole 
> application has been developed using Mach-II. The system has been live 
> for a year now and was thouroughly tested by all parties before go 
> live. There have been a couple of bugs since, but the code has been 
> unchanged and stable for at 8months now.
> The problem is this. We have been getting reports of "data corruption" 
> on a very small number of forms. I have investigated this 
> "corruption". The system logs who made what changes to the system to 
> provide an audit trail for each form. The audit trail shows users have 
> made the "corrupt" changes to the form and I presented this to the 
> client. They will not accept this response. I'll give you an example, 
> a name had been changed from one to another. I checked the live 
> database and a backup and they both show that a user changed the name. 
> The user insists that he did not change the name.
> I cannot see in light of this evidence and problem with my code or the 
> system. My question to the forum is basically, is there anything I'm 
> missing?
> Sorry for the longwinded explanation, but I feel like I'm banging my 
> head against a wall! Any ideas you might will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> Gavin

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