> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Traher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 4:34 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: RegEx that deals with optional End tags?
> Congrats on getting it working.
> I may have misunderstood what you are doing, but could you not treat
> your documentation block as XML and then you could use all the built
> in XML functions of CF?

That's actually what I am doing - sorta.

First I pull a single tag out, then I treat it like XML and do all my
parsing from there.  But first I have to find the dpDoc tags to convert to

(I definitely don't want to parse through the entire CFC as XML - firstly I
doubt any of my CFCs are actually well-formed despite my best efforts and
secondly it would just be a HUGE pain the ass).  ;^)

Also, although the example was all one block these tags can actually appear
any place in the CFC.

For example each method might have several "Exception" dpDocs and might even
have "Revision" dpDocs specific to the method (although I doubt I'll ever
get anal enough to start documenting revisions at the method level).  You
could also track authors or any other information at the method level.

Tags pertaining to the entire CFC are going to be at the top of the file as
a best practice, but the engine can find them no matter where they are.

The documentation engine collects all these tags from wherever they are and
applies them to the right place - either the CFC itself or to specific
methods.  Along with the dpDocs tags the engine collects detailed
information about the properties and methods available, the CFC inheritance
tree and the CFC system-level information.

It then serves up the whole mess as a complex struct (or a WDDX packet - but
I hope to create a "real" XML dialect for this).  The struct can then be
passed through a presentation engine to create detailed documentation on the

I think I've got this part worked out (although it needs more testing).
Tomorrow (well... since it's 5am I guess "later today" would be more
accurate) I build the actual presentation engine.

Jim Davis

(P.S.  Can you tell I get chatty after being up all night?)

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