I just tried it again and no luck ...

The only log I have in runtime/logs is coldfusion-event.log and nothing got
echoed to it. But if I look at the process listing I now have this

nobody    2390     1  0 15:25 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/coldfusionmx7/bin/cfmx7
-jar cfusion.jar -autorestart -start coldfusion
nobody    2392  2390  5 15:25 pts/0    00:00:13 /opt/coldfusionmx7/bin/cfmx7
-jar cfusion.jar -start coldfusion
nobody    2393  2392  0 15:25 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/coldfusionmx7/bin/cfmx7
-jar cfusion.jar -start coldfusion
nobody    2394  2393  0 15:25 pts/0    00:00:00 [cfmx7 <defunct>]
nobody    2395  2393  0 15:25 pts/0    00:00:00 [cfmx7 <defunct>]
nobody    2396  2393  0 15:25 pts/0    00:00:00 [cfmx7 <defunct>]
nobody    2397  2393  0 15:25 pts/0    00:00:00 [cfmx7 <defunct>]
nobody    2398  2393  0 15:25 pts/0    00:00:01 [cfmx7 <defunct>]
nobody    2399  2393  0 15:25 pts/0    00:00:00 [cfmx7 <defunct>]
nobody    2400  2393  0 15:25 pts/0    00:00:00 [cfmx7 <defunct>]
nobody    2401  2393  0 15:25 pts/0    00:00:00 [cfmx7 <defunct>]
nobody    2402  2393  0 15:25 pts/0    00:00:00 [cfmx7 <defunct>]
nobody    2403  2393  0 15:25 pts/0    00:00:00 [cfmx7 <defunct>]
nobody    2404  2393  5 15:25 pts/0    00:00:12 [cfmx7 <defunct>]
nobody    2405  2393  5 15:25 pts/0    00:00:13 /opt/coldfusionmx7/bin/cfmx7
-jar cfusion.jar -start coldfusion

- Charles

On 3/25/05 3:13 PM, "Steven Erat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> Hello,
>>> I was wondering if someone could verify a nasty little bug or whatever with
>>> ColdFusion MX 7 running on Linux. Every time I try this code on a system
>>> running CFMX 7 on RHEL AS 3.0 w/ Apache the coldfusion server crashes. I
>>> then tried it on Windows 2003 and it works just fine.
>>> Thanks,
>>> - Charles
>>> Here is my test code ...
> Adapting this for my FTP server, this code works fine, repeatedly.
> CFMX 7 & Red Hat 3.0 Taroon.
> Stop ColdFusion, make sure no CFMX7 processes appear, no zombies either.
> Start ColdFusion.
> Do live tail on all the JRun logs, i.e.
> tail -f /path/to/coldfusionmx7/runtime/logs/*log
> Run the test code.
> Look for anything generated on the tail console when the code is running.

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