hmmm, something along the lines of:

<cfset myrow = 5>
<cfset rowstruct = structnew()>

<cfloop list="#qry.columnlist#" index="i">
        <cfset rowstruct[i] = qry[i][myrow]>

-----Original Message-----
From: Johnny Le [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 29 March 2005 13:56
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Best practice question?

Is there a way to capture a row?  For example, if you know the value of a
cell, can you do some structure or array search that would return the row?
I know we can use query of queries to find it, but I wonder if you know
another way using array or structure functions.


>> -----Original Message-----
>It's definitely at least a little flakey (which is why I stressed testing
>this stuff out first).  It seems to only be an array on a direct access,
>an assignment.  So the following all work fine:
>+) IsArray(QueryName["Column"]) does indeed return "Yes".
>+) <cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(QueryName["Column"])#" index="Cnt"> works
>just fine.
>+) ArrayToList(QueryName["Column"]) gives you a list of all column values
>(as would "ValueList()").
>However you're right: when making an assignment (which, I _think_ CFDump
>does internally) you get the value of the first row.
>So <cfset foo = QueryName["Column"] /> has the same result as <cfset foo =
>QueryName.Column />
>However things get stranger still because this
>actually results in a error ("Complex object types cannot be converted to
>simple values.") were this
>results in the output of the first cell of the column.
>So while you can use the indexed notation reference as an array nearly
>place you can't copy it.  At least not simply - however you CAN duplicate
>it!  The following will get you your array:
><cfset foo = Duplicate(QueryName["Column"]) />
>"Foo" will now be an array of all values in the column.
>I'm sure that's not exhaustive, but I hope it at least frames how this
>and further underlines the point to test it out before you rely on it.
>Jim Davis

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