
Everyone points you to CFCDev for CF OOP and it is an interesting
list.  I subscribed for a while before they dropped digest mode.

But CFCDev is high on OOP theory with great debates of different
theoretical approaches.  What might be nice is a list aimed at
practical implementation as opposed to theory.  A list targetted for
those who want to be in the mainstream of CF OOP, not the bleeding

I am not knocking CFCDev, there's room for both actually.

Rick Mason

On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 22:22:46 +1000, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 05:52:31 -0600, Jared Rypka-Hauer - CMG, LLC
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Always nice to see a new comrade crawl out of the woodwork. :)
> heh yeah, I decided to jump into ol CF-Talk and poke around... (hope
> I'm not spamming all too much).
> > I have to say, though, I'm kind of conflicted over the idea of adding
> > lists to the array of available choices...
> >
> > (CF is leaking into my conversational speech... ugh.)
> Try to de-reference your speech patterns, as that tends to clear up
> memory leaks...heh..
> [snip]
> > I still tend to think it may not be a bad idea to have some more options.
> Ok you beat me down, lets make some more lists heh. I guess in the end
> more talk wherever it may live on more higher level OO can be a good
> thing - yet it can also be a bad thing. Lets not forget that sometimes
> things can be echoed online and the next thing you know, you have
> disciples making human sacrafices in the way of which a belief has
> been poured out. I can recall a few times Mr Corfield has mentioned
> something casually and the next thing you know theres a Development
> Guidelines being devoted to the scriptures of that which is Sean.
> At anyrate, I'm all for it, I do enjoy talking about architecture i'm
> hooked on the very subject and will happilly debate someone to death
> if need be in order to appreciate certain approaches to a task.
> I was once told that < CF 5.0 was a free bus ride, and then when CF
> 6.0 came out, we were all told to get off and walk...some are still
> stuck on the bus, wondering why its not going forward while others are
> not only walking but lost in the desert hoping someone can help them
> navigate back to civilization.....
> ok analogy lost me at first but i think it means, we are all scattered
> amongst the desert of that which is OO land and each of us tend to
> various backrounds in OOP or other, but CFMX is weird and needs to be
> attacked differently to most traditional OOP.
> i'm ranting..yes lets make the lists, let us know who ever starts them
> and where i can subscribe my gmail / label / filter to....
> --
> Regards,
> Scott Barnes
> (Coming Soon)

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