I'll second that. That would remove the burden of the decision from Mike D
(and the associated "you are a Nazi/Communist/Morris Dancer" allegations)
and make it a community thing. Of course, Mike would have to develop it :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 1 April 2005 12:13 
To: CF-Talk
Subject: community threads

It seems that frequently the threads with the longest lives on this list are
the ones that have nothing to do with development per se - the one about
ChrystalTech is an example still fresh in our inboxes.  At the same time
some threads that aren't directly on topic, like discussion of search engine
rankings, query optimization, etc. are still worth reading.  I know we're
supposed to police ourselves and keep things on track, but that obviously
doesn't happen all the time and it becomes a burden for the list owner to
decide when a thread is far enough off track to move.  

So, what if every email we got from the list included a link in the
signature that said "Boot this thread" or "Request change of venue" or
"Remove this thread before my eyes begin bleeding."  When a sufficient
number of members clicked the "I hate this thread" link, the system could
alert the list owner and he could choose whether to reassign the topic to
cf-community or another more appropriate list.

Think it would work?  I'd happily click a few links to avoid deleting 900
emails about ChrystalTech.

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