> <If rss.bodycopy does not contain anything in #rejectLIST#>
>    Display this feed entry
> </cfif>

Assuming rejectLIST is a comma delimited list, run this for each entry to

<cfset variables.show_entry = 1>
<cfloop list="#rejectLIST#" index="i">
        <cfif findNoCase(i, rss.bodycopy)>
                <cfset variables.show_entry = 0>
<cfif variables.show_entry>
        Display here.

Since you're wanting to find any one of several words within a string, you
need to break the list down and search for each work individually.  If one
is found, set the "show" bit to false and break out.  This code would be
contained within your RSS output loop.

Justin D. Scott
Vice President
Sceiron Interactive, Inc.

941.378.5341 - office
941.320.2402 - mobile
877.678.6011 - facsimile

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