I used some vbscript and the Windows Scripting Host to create virtual
directories that web-enable our users' home directories.

I'm not sure if you can do this with CF, but it's worth a try.  Search
for ADSI, IIS and some other related terms on Microsoft's dev site.

Here is my code to create the virtuals.  It might give you some more
keywords on which to search:

PhysPath = "d:\users\"

Set oIIS = GetObject ("IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1")
Set IISRoot = oIIS.GetObject("IIsWebVirtualDir", "Root")

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set rootFldr = fso.GetFolder(PhysPath)

Set subFldrs = rootFldr.SubFolders

Set oRE = New RegExp

oRE.IgnoreCase = True
oRE.Pattern = "^[a-z]{2}[0-9]{1,5}$"

On Error Resume Next

For Each subFldr In subFldrs
        If (oRE.Test(subFldr.Name) = True) Then
                WScript.Echo subFldr.Path

                Set oVirtDir = IISRoot.Create("IIsWebVirtualDir",

                oVirtDir.AccessRead = true
                oVirtDir.AccessWrite = true
                oVirtDir.EnableDirBrowsing = true
                oVirtDir.AuthAnonymous = false
                oVirtDir.AuthNTLM = true

                oVirtDir.Path = subFldr.Path


                oVirtDir.AppFriendlyName = subFldr.Name


                Set oVirtDir = Nothing
        End If

        Set oVirtDir = Nothing


-----Original Message-----
From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 8:34 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ColdFusion MX 7 slow?


Do you know of a good scripting API for creating sites and such in IIS?
I'm trying to find a good reliable way of creating sites in IIS6 using

John Burns
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer Wyle Laboratories, Inc. | Web

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