S.Isaac Dealey wrote:

> That's actually a pretty complicated solution -- although if you need
> a solution that works server-side without the aid of javascript you're
> reather limited to something like that...

If you looking for a server-side only solution, it's the simplest. Mind
you, if you don't mind using JS, then there are, of course, simpler
ways. But I'd taken from his post--and I might be mistaken--that those
weren't what he was looking for.

No matter though.

> I wonder if visually
> impaired users "double-click" form submit buttons the same as some
> sighted users... I wouldn't expect it, though it could happen. In
> general I wouldn't expect users who have javascript-disabled (either
> due to visual impairment or otherwise) to produce those impatient
> double-submits.

I'm not even thinking of them! I was just presenting a server-side only

BTW, you could also use a struct stored in some persistent scope such
as SESSION or APPLICATION as a set and you'd get the same effect. I do
this in a replacement for <cfform> I wrote that uses more modern
validation and has a few extra features.


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