> I am using: file://g:/applications/foobar.exe 
> There are several applications in that directory. SOME of the 
> applications launch without a hitch, but when I use this 
> particular FoxPro application I get the "File security.exe 
> does not exist" error. Note that this is a FoxPro Error 
> Message generated by the application. It is not an IE error message.
> Strangely, if I go to the command line and enter 
> g:/applications/foobar.exe the application runs fine, with no 
> reference to security.exe. Apparently the OS can tell from 
> whence the application is being started???

Is there a file called security.exe within that directory? When you go to
the command line, do you switch to that directory before running the

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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