Can't say I really took it as a "You-Might-Not-Be-Smart-Enough" sort of
thing.  And even if it was, it really wouldn't bother me much.  For one,
generally speaking, I'm pretty careful about my table joins.  For two,
specifically speaking, I can point to a couple instances where I've
annoyed the heck out of a DBA by forgetting to join a couple of million+
record tables before running the query.  

Point is, mistakes happen and if a particular method can help prevent
them, that's worth keeping in mind.  Should it be the only concern?
Certainly not, but other factors being more or less equal, I'm all for
something that will keep a minor mistake into becoming a larger problem.

Anyway, thanks for the responses, all.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Ferguson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 11:33 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: SQL prob

Once again, someone pops in with this reason for doing something. It
troubles me that this manner of thinking is so prevalent, as it most
certainly means it's come about from actual experiences dealing with

I don't feel that this sort of because-you-might-not-be-smart-enough
type of argument is a good reason to do anything one way or another. I'm
not taking a shot at you here Dave, far from it, but it seems that every
time someone asks "why shouldn't I do x this way," someone points out
that a good reason has to do with the fact that people won't be able to
do it right or won't be able to understand... Are people getting LESS
capable out there or are we just accepting their (I should say "our" to
include myself or just drop the possessive altogether) inadequacies more
willingly or what? On the other hand, I suppose we could be ascribing
inadequacies to people unfairly, though I rather doubt it.

My argument on these type of things is always along the lines of "do it
the way it works and performs best and if someone else isn't
smart/good/experienced enough to 'get it' then they should learn more."

Does this bother anyone else, or is it just me? It could easily be just
me; I've had it up to here with people in general this morning. If it
is, maybe I should just hit the power button and take the rest of the


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 11:18 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: SQL prob

One advantage of explicit JOIN syntax is that it eliminates the
of an accidental Cartesian product or cross join. If you have a query
three or four tables joined within the WHERE clause, you might forget
one of
your joins and the query will run successfully, but will fetch a
product (which you typically don't want, and which will typically annoy
DBA). If you use explicit JOIN syntax, you will get an error message if
forget a join, which is a much better result.

Personally, I prefer explicit JOIN syntax because I find it a bit easier
read, although admittedly I used to find the old syntax easy to read as

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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