I've had issues with getYear() after creating a js date before in 
FireFox.  It would display 2005 in IE, but in FF it displays 105.  I had to 
use getFullYear() for it to display correctly.  I don't have time to look 
into the getMinutes and getSeconds, etc, but I would be willing to bet a 
cold brewski that might have something to do with it.


At 02:43 PM 4/5/2005, you wrote:
>I have a clock javascript that works fine in IE 6.0, but does not
>display correctly in Firefox 1.0.2 or Netscape 7.0. Can anyone tell me
>what's up here? I've tried googling for tips, but didn't come up with
>anything. Here is the script:
>In the head section:
><script type="text/javascript">
>function clock() {
>var time = new Date();
>var hours = time.getHours();
>var minutes = time.getMinutes();
>var seconds = time.getSeconds();
>var amOrPm = "AM";
>if (hours > 11) amOrPm = "PM";
>if (hours > 12) hours = hours - 12;
>if (hours == 0) hours = 12;
>if (minutes <= 9) minutes = "0" + minutes;
>if (seconds <= 9) seconds = "0" + seconds;
>dispTime = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + " " + amOrPm;
>document.getElementById('clock').innerHTML = dispTime;
>setTimeout("clock()", 1000);
>window.onload = Clock;
>Inside the body:
><div id="clock" style="position:absolute;left:100;top:100;"></div>
>In Firefox, it displays the time 8 hours ahead, but in IE it shows the
>correct system time.

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