Thanks for the reply Dave. You always have great suggestions.

At this point, I cannot even connect to a local SQL Server, on the same 
"10 dot" network as the CF box. I verified that both TCP/IP and Named 
Pipes are enabled in the Server Network Utility, and that both Windows 
and SQL Server logins are enabled on the SQL Server 
Configuration\Security Tab.

I can type \\SERVERNAME\c$ for the SQLbox - from the webserver - and I 
get access no problem.

I am unable to connect from the CF Admin and get the same error when I 
use either the public IP or the "10 dot" IP for the SQL Server (instead 
of the name).

Any ideas?

Dave Watts wrote:

>>Our IIS 6/CF server is on a "10 dot" network, and mapped to 
>>an external IP via our firewall appliance.
>>When trying to set up a DSN to our MS SQL Server, I keep 
>>getting a "connection refused" error message. I am using the 
>>server name (UNC
>>name) and the correct username/password. The SQL server is 
>>across the 'net on another network. The CF/Web server's 
>>public IP has open access through the firewall into the 
>>network where the SQL server is kept.
>>What's strange, is that I created a system datasource in the 
>>ODBC control panel applet, and I connect to the SQL server 
>>just fine. I then used the CF Admin to create an ODBC socket 
>>DSN to connect to the local DSN on the web server.
>>Any ideas on why I can connect to the remote SQL server via a 
>>Microsoft local system DSN, but not directly to the SQL box 
>>from CF Admin using the stock SQL server drivers?
>When you connect via ODBC, are you using TCP/IP, or Named Pipes? (Named
>Pipes uses Windows Networking (NetBIOS) on top of whatever protocol you're
>using, which is typically TCP/IP.) Named Pipes is the default, and JDBC
>doesn't support that. You may need to configure your SQL Server's network
>listeners to include TCP/IP. You can do this using the Server Network
>Utility from the SQL Server console.
>Also, is your SQL Server configured to allow native SQL logins (untrusted
>connections)? By default, SQL Server only accepts trusted connections that
>use Windows authentication. The JDBC drivers that come with CFMX don't
>support this, although apparently some third-party drivers like jTDS
>( do.
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized 
>instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta, 
>Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location. 
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