Looks like applying SQL Server SP3 did the trick. It was installed 
previously, but the SQL Server was *re*installed, and the SP was not 

MDAC *before* the SP was installed showed 2.8 - which is most current at 
the time. Perhaps something else in the SP fixed a connection error?!

Oh well, Thanks again Dave.


>>Our IIS 6/CF server is on a "10 dot" network, and mapped to 
>>an external IP via our firewall appliance.
>>When trying to set up a DSN to our MS SQL Server, I keep 
>>getting a "connection refused" error message. I am using the 
>>server name (UNC
>>name) and the correct username/password. The SQL server is 
>>across the 'net on another network. The CF/Web server's 
>>public IP has open access through the firewall into the 
>>network where the SQL server is kept.
>>What's strange, is that I created a system datasource in the 
>>ODBC control panel applet, and I connect to the SQL server 
>>just fine. I then used the CF Admin to create an ODBC socket 
>>DSN to connect to the local DSN on the web server.
>>Any ideas on why I can connect to the remote SQL server via a 
>>Microsoft local system DSN, but not directly to the SQL box 
>>from CF Admin using the stock SQL server drivers?

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