S. Isaac Dealey wrote:

> Yea, I know they need to be static -- there has to be a base from
> which everything else is referenced. CF just doesn't provide (iirc) a
> native method of determining what offset calendars in the current

no it still doesn't. i guess it's time to start lobbying for the next 
release of mx to use icu4j. we'd get all those calendars, all those 
locales, all those holidays (some retired international banking java 
developer is donating their global holiday s/w to pump up the existing 
icu4j holiday info), all that correct locale info (core java is full of 
locale bugs, mostly minor formatting issues but there are some real bad 
stuff in the arabic locales). even if they didn't add in all that 
functionality just getting the icu4j jar delivered as part of the 
standard install would be a boon.

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