Thanks for the reply Simon.  It was behaving illogically when running
through various tests which is why it wasn't making much sense to me. 
For example, if I stopped one particular instance, it would not end-up
back in the cluster for quite a long time, but would eventually at
random find it's way back in, however the other instances would behave
as you said below.

I ended-up reinstalling the web server connectors and now it seems to
be behaving as one would expect it to.


- Brandon

On Apr 12, 2005 12:19 PM, Simon Horwith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> JRun has a cluster manager service.  When a server is offline or stops
> responding to requests, it's dropped from the cluster.  If you attempt
> to access something in the session scope and the server is unable to
> access the session, it fails over to the other cluster member... but
> only if you have fail over turned on (which you should). For the most
> part, nothing much short of a crash, stop, or restart will remove an
> instance from the cluster as far as I know.  This is one of the reasons
> you balance the instances.  When it is restarted or started for the
> first time, the cluster manager adds it to the cluster for you.
> ~Simon


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