> -----Original Message-----
> From: C. Hatton Humphrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:06 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Best Practices - Large Data Load
> > Good god don't do it in CF - you will kill it.  This should all be done
> > inside SQL Server - DTS / SP type thing.
> This is something that has to be portable and web-launchable;  I
> haven't done much direct DB - DB interaction so I'll fiddle around
> with the syntax and see how it works out.

If possible I agree with others: try to eliminate as many moving parts as
you can.

But if you can't you could do this in CF - but it will always be slower and
less capable than direct DB-to-DB transfer.

I second to motion to use DTS if possible (going from MS-to-MS tools it's a
no brainer, but it also supports some others).  You can create a package,
accept variable inputs, define all aspects of the transfer and the bastard
is very FAST.

I use it all the time to schedule (within SQL Server)
production-to-development data backups (copying production data from my web
host to my local development box).

It works perfectly and I don't need to involve any other tools at all.

Jim Davis

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