Using VSS I set up user subdirectories that I check the files out into. 
mydevserver/john would have my current work plus everything else
checked into. I think it's set up as a shadow folder. When I checked
it in it would go to mydevserver/ and everyone could see the changes.
Once I check out a file no one can edit it until I check it back in.
Only drawback is you need to remind people to "get latest" before they
check out a file.
Rule of thumb is check in all files at end of day and get latest at
beginning of day. I could also see what someone else is working on by
going to his or her directory.
Another advantage is you can work on global pages like Application.cfm
without taking the whole team out.

On 4/13/05, RADEMAKERS Tanguy  wrote:
> - everyone works on the same dev server. yes, you will need to take care
> that two people don't edit the same file at the same time. a neat trick
> i like to use is to say "bob, i'm editing file x so keep your grubby
> little paws off it!" or to ask "bob, charlie, can i edit file y?".
> - (optional) setup a little script on the dev server to check in the
> code. schedule this script to run every x hours.
> - whenever you are happy with the code (it is in a known state), do a
> manual check in and apply a tag.

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