Hey guys,

You might also like convertDotNetDataset()
(http://clearsoftware.net/client/convertDotNetDataset.cfm) - accounts
for multi-table datasets, which is where I hit a wall with DotNetGlue.



On 4/13/05, Kevin Aebig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Check out DotNetGlue... we use it for all of our dot net WS calls.
> http://www.af-design.com/resources/coldfusion/
> Cheers,
> Kevin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ernie Pena [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 7:52 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: .Net Web Service HELP!
> I am connecting to a .net web service and I am able to get a response on a
> simple test, however when I try to send the complex data I get an error. I'm
> not sure what I need to do but I'm sure the data I'm sending over isnt quite
> right or is it.
> First let me show you the .net ws because its an internal site I can only
> paste the code.
> ...NET Web Service xml
> method: StopCheckingRule
> requires two an Array (aPatients) and an Array of Boolean
> (aSubGroupContinueIndicators)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------
> POST /IVBuMelWebSvc/TrialConductor.asmx HTTP/1.1
> Host: biostat252.mdacc.tmc.edu
> Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
> Content-Length: length
> SOAPAction: "TrialIVBuMel/CheckStoppingRule"
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
> xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
> xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";>
>   <soap:Body>
>     <CheckStoppingRule xmlns="TrialIVBuMel">
>       <aPatients>
>         <Patient>
>           <TimeOnTest>double</TimeOnTest>
>           <SubGroup>int</SubGroup>
>           <HasDied>boolean</HasDied>
>         </Patient>
>         <Patient>
>           <TimeOnTest>double</TimeOnTest>
>           <SubGroup>int</SubGroup>
>           <HasDied>boolean</HasDied>
>         </Patient>
>       </aPatients>
>       <aSubGroupContinueIndicators>
>         <boolean>boolean</boolean>
>         <boolean>boolean</boolean>
>       </aSubGroupContinueIndicators>
>       <sErrors>string</sErrors>
>     </CheckStoppingRule>
>   </soap:Body>
> </soap:Envelope>------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------
> My Code:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------
> <cfset aPatients = arrayNew(1) />
> <cfset aPatients [1] = createObject("component", "Patient") />
> <cfset aPatients [1].TimeOnTest = 23 />
> <cfset aPatients [1].SubGroup = 2 />
> <cfset aPatients [1].HasDied = "FALSE" />
> <cfset Indicators = arrayNew(1)/>
> <cfset Indicators[1] = "FALSE" />
> <cfset Indicators[2] = "FALSE" />
> <cfset Indicators[3] = "FALSE"  />
> <cfset Indicators[4] = "FALSE" />
> <cfset Indicators[5] = "FALSE" />
>        ws = CreateObject("webservice",
> "http://biostat252.mdacc.tmc.edu/IVBuMelWebSvc/TrialConductor.asmx?wsdl";);
>        sErrors =
> ws.CheckStoppingRule(aPatients="#aPatients#",aSubGroupContinueIndicators="#I
> ndicators#");
>     writeoutput(sErrors);
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------
> Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks in advance
> Ernie Pena
> U. T. M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

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