Try this.  The trick is that when you get to your action page you loop 
through the form fields looking for one with a name beginning with 
"ActivateMe_".  When you find it, then you peel the user id value off of 
the field name.  I don't use fusebox, so I have no idea how consistent 
this is with that methodology.

<form action="somepage.cfm" method="post">
  <cfloop query="q">
    <input type="submit" name="ActivateMe_#q.user_id#" value="This One">

In somepage.cfm:

<cfset theuserid = "">
<cfloop index="fieldname" list="#form.fieldnames#">
  <cfset fieldvalue = Evaluate("form." & fieldname)>
  <cfif Left(fieldvalue), 12) is "ActivateMe_">
    <cfset theuserid = ListLast(fieldvalue, "_")>

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Douglas Fentiman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Talk" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 4:11 PM
Subject: Multiple submitt + variable

> Hi all,
> I have a form with multiple submit buttons. Each button has a unique 
> associated id value. I want to pass the associated id value with the 
> submit button that is pressed.
> I have checked out the Multiple_Submit Tag, using <input type="submit" 
> name="_fuseaction=#XFA.userApprove#">, which works well with a single id 
> value that can be passed as a hidden form field, but haven't been able 
> to figure out a way to use it with multiple id values.
> Also played with appending the id value, <input type="checkbox" 
> name="ActivateMe_#user_id#" value="1">, and using a single submit 
> button. Then peeling the id value off in the recieving template. This 
> works but uses a single submit button. I would like to use multiple 
> submit buttons to make it a one click action for the user.
> Any Ideas on how to do this?
> -FB3
> -no JavaScript
> Thks,
> Doug 

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