Ok, here is the puzzle I am trying to use a WHERE statement to compare a
loop to a table it should work fine if  I can get the date/time values to
match but the raw date format is different

CF raw date/time looks like this 1899-12-30 06:24:00
Access raw date/time looks like this {ts '1899-12-30 06:24:00'}

So if my assumption is true (I have not done this with a loop yet.) the only
thing I need to do is some how format these date/time values within the SQL
statement. If this is possible I can remove about 5 <cfif> blocks.

So, my question is can dates be formatted in an SQL statement? HUMMMM!

Thanks for any input!

-Mark :o)

<CFSET StartTime1 = CreateTime(06, 00, 00)>
<CFSET TeeTime = #DateAdd('N', -8, StartTime1)#>

<CFLOOP index="TodaysTeeTime" from="1" to="92">
  <CFSET TeeTime = #DateAdd('N', 8, TeeTime)#>

<CFQUERY NAME="Events" DATASOURCE="caltest">
SELECT    cal.ID, cal.Players, cal.TeeDate, cal.BookedTeeTime,
cus.CompanyName, cus.ContactFirstName, cus.ContactLastName, cus.PhoneNumber,
FROM         Calendar cal, Customers cus
WHERE       cal.CustomerID = cus.CustomerID
AND #TeeTime# = cal.BookedTeeTime
ORDER BY cal.BookedTeeTime


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