<cfset myArrayOfStructs = ArrayNew(1)>

<cfset myArrayOfStructs[1] = StructNew()>
<cfset myArrayOfStructs[1].FName = "Adrian">
<cfset myArrayOfStructs[1].LName = "Lynch">
<cfset myArrayOfStructs[1].EMail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]">

<cfset myArrayOfStructs[2] = StructNew()>
<cfset myArrayOfStructs[2].FName = "Thane">
<cfset myArrayOfStructs[2].LName = "Sherrington">
<cfset myArrayOfStructs[2].EMail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]">

<cfdump var="#myArrayOfStructs#">

That'll get you an array of structures. One thing to note, unlike this...

        myStruct.myKey = "somevalue"

.... which works in creating a struct, key and value...

        myArrayOfStructs[1].myKey = "somevalue"

.... will fail with an error. Hence the need for...

        myArrayOfStructs[1] = StructNew()

.... before using that index as a structure.


-----Original Message-----
From: Thane Sherrington [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 24 April 2005 16:21
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Structures (probably a stupid question)

I'm trying to understand structures - I understand that they are like the
form scope in that I can access them as myStruct.myVar, but is there a way
to create an array of structures?  I'm thinking it would be nice to create
a structure like:


And then add people to that sort of like a virtual table that I could later
loop through and add to a real table.

It appears from the reading I've done that one can, but I can't find a
clear example of it.  I'm looking for something will work in CF5 and up.


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