At 10:55 AM 9/14/00 , you wrote:
>... creating a form on the fly,
>create session variables like this:
><cfloop index="priority_label" list="#fieldnames#">

Dynamic variables must be a common problem. I tried coding this as a 
variable within a variable and it didn't work.

<CFLOOP INDEX="memberindex" FROM="2" TO="#val(memberloop)#" STEP="1">
Member #memberindex# Name: #Member###memberindex###FirstName# 
#Member###memberindex###MiddleName#. #Member###memberindex###LastName#

The compiler gagged on the non-existent "Member" variable (center of second 
line before ###) instead of concatenating the variable's three pieces to 
read it as something like #Member14FirstName#

So what's the secret syntax, gang?   8-)

Charles A. Lee

Webmaster, Tucson Computer Society

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