like it says (somewhere):
"never say 'oooops!', always say 'ah, interesting'" 

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jacob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 7:20 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: RE: CFMX interrupting javascript - MORE
>Yes... and I ran fine.  LOL
>18 live servers and it runs fine.  1 development server (where 
>I run this
>script) it blows...
>Go figure.
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 10:15 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: RE: CFMX interrupting javascript - MORE
>oooooooooh, smells like a learning experience ;)
>anybody else out there got a windows 2003 machine to try this on? 
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Jacob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 7:11 PM
>>To: CF-Talk
>>Subject: RE: CFMX interrupting javascript - MORE
>>On my laptop...  Windows 2000 Server, IIS 5.0, CF MX 6.1 
>>development edition
>>78 ms
>>Is it Friday yet???
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Kerry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 9:56 AM
>>To: CF-Talk
>>Subject: RE: CFMX interrupting javascript - MORE
>>and this:
>><cfset timer = gettickcount()>
>><cfloop index="i" from="1" to="100">
>><cfset tmpURL = "">
>><cfset temptitle = "hello">
>><cfset temppoptitle = "hello2">
>><cfset main_jpeg = "dot.gif">
>><cfset line = "<a href=""http://XXXXXX/DVD/"&trim(tmpURL)&"><font
>>style=""font-size: 15px;"">"&trim(tempTitle)&"</font></A> &nbsp;<font
>>color=""Navy"" style=""font-size: 15px;"">DVD</font> <a
>>le)&"','236','335')"" onmouseover=""window.status='See Box 
>>Art'; return true
>>src=""http://XXXXXX/gif/excal2/Files_Icon.gif""; alt=""Box 
>>Art"" hspace=""4""
>>vspace=""0"" border=""0"" align=""bottom""></a>">
>><cffile action="append" file="d:\java.htm" addnewline="No" 
>>took 67ms
>>CFMX 6.1 + win2k + phat dev box under no load
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Jacob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: 28 April 2005 16:46
>>To: CF-Talk
>>Subject: RE: CFMX interrupting javascript - MORE
>>This looped 50 times takes on average 1.2 to 1.4 seconds:
>><cffile action="append" file="#trim(complete_filename)#" 
>>output="<a href=""http://XXXXXX/DVD/#trim(URL)#""><font color=""Navy""
>>style=""font-size: 15px;"">#trim(tempTitle)#</font></A> &nbsp;<font
>>color=""Navy"" style=""font-size: 15px;"">DVD</font> <a
>>#','236','335')"" onmouseover=""window.status='See Box Art'; 
>>return true ""
>>src=""http://XXXXXX/gif/excal2/Files_Icon.gif""; alt=""Box 
>>Art"" hspace=""4""
>>vspace=""0"" border=""0"" align=""bottom""></a>">
>>This looped 50 time takes .2 to .3 seconds:
>><cffile action="append" file="#trim(complete_filename)#" 
>>output="<a href=""http://XXXXXX/DVD/#trim(URL)#""><font color=""Navy""
>>style=""font-size: 15px;"">#trim(tempTitle)#</font></A> &nbsp;<font
>>color=""Navy"" style=""font-size: 15px;"">DVD</font><img
>>src=""http://XXXXXX/gif/excal2/Files_Icon.gif""; alt=""Box 
>>Art"" hspace=""4""
>>vspace=""0"" border=""0"" align=""bottom""></a>">
>>This was removed from the second test.
>>empPopTitle)#','236','335')"" onmouseover=""window.status='See 
>>Box Art';
>>return true "" onmouseout=""window.status=''"">
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Jacob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 8:40 AM
>>To: CF-Talk
>>Subject: CFMX interrupting javascript
>>I have a script that writes html files every so often.  Under 
>CF 5, the
>>script took about 4 to 5 seconds to create the .htm file.
>>When I tested the same script under CF MX 6.1, it takes over 
>>14 seconds.
>>Same thing with CF MX 7.
>>I went through the code, piece by piece and found out that if I have "
>>javascript:" in the output for the cffile, it is slow (14 
>>seconds).  If I
>>remove javascript:", the script runs in about 5 seconds.
>>Is CFXM trying to interrupt javascript when it is writing a file?  Has
>>anybody had this type of problem?

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