Hi Ben,

I value your opinion, so I'm glad to see that you at least agree with 
me  in principal.

Also, you'll notice that I just referenced launch week - not *permanent* 
space at the top of MM's front page. And, not even 100% of the space at 
the top - just a space in the rotation of the banner ads - some that 
were weeks old.

You just confirmed what I had assumed - that there was concscious 
decision on MACR's part to NOT place a banner ad at the top - even if it 
were 1 in a rotation of 3 or 4 for other MM products. This is what 
bewildered me.

I wasn't forecasting the end of CFMX, or gloomy sales, or a dastardly 
takeover by Adobe!


Ben Forta wrote:

>I know I should not respond to this thread, I know I should not respond to
>this thread, I know I should not respond to this thread, but ....
>For what it is worth, I agree, there should have been a big flashy banner.
>And I voiced this opinion before we shipped. Not that I thought it would
>make any difference whatsoever to CF sales (it did not, and CF sales are
>pretty darned good BTW, heck they are up since we did not run the banner!),
>but the reason I said that we needed it was that if we did not run one we'd
>keep hearing "look, it is proof that CF is unloved". And although these
>recurring threads prove that I was right, that apparently was insufficient
>reason to place a banner there.
>Oh, this may surprise some of you, but Macromedia sells lots and lots of
>products, and every product team wants banner space and marketing real
>estate, and most can't get everything they want. It's reality. Dedicated DW
>users feel that DW does not get enough banner space, just like dedicated CF
>users feel that CF does not get enough banner space ... you get the idea. So
>what to do? Not all products get (nor should get) the exact same type of
>marketing, teams have to do what works best for them. And for CF roadshows
>(including the tours that someone mentioned earlier), tons of customer
>calls, big wide-open beta programs, and lots of face-to-face interaction has
>proven to be far more effective than banner ads. And CFMX7 sales to date
>prove that we did exactly what we needed to do (and thus plan on doing lots
>more of it).
>And yes, I still think we should have ran banner ads, just so we'd not be
>having this very distracting conversation yet again.
>--- Ben

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