Sean Corfield wrote:

>On 5/5/05, Alex Sherwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>it was not a baseless ad- hoymnum attack.
>Sure it was. It was crude, insulting and completely inappropriate to
>this list (or indeed any list that is supposed to be a professional
>technical list).
>Your continued "rants" and unpleasantness merely show most of us that
>you belong on a DNH list...

I'm sorry I've made you feel unpleasant, Sean.

If you'd look through the thread, I've responded quite professionally to 
those posts that were on topic and addressed the content of my post. The 
only person who I addressed off topic was Adrocknophibia, and only after 
he responded to my post three times - each time failing to address the 
actual content, and instead either telling me not to post, calling me 
paranoid, or stating that my post was a reaction to a fear of my career 

You'll also notice that I ignored his first 2 posts, and responded by 
calling him a simpleton a day later, after a 3rd post insinuating that I 
felt my career rested on a flash banner ad.

In 4+ years on the list, I have never had an unpleasant exchange with 
anyone (except for saying that Mach-II was better than OnTap, but that's 
another story). It wasn't until Phobia saw fit to pepper me and put 
words in my mouth that I responded in a less then professional manner.

This thread is over.

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