> I've recently started getting this error on a site that we're 
> testing. I haven't found much on google.
> The error is thrown by this function, which is in a cfc. It's 
> intermittent, though. I can use it to browse the same file, and 
> I don't get the error.
> <cffunction name="serveDocument" access="public" returntype="string" 
> output="false">
>   <cfargument name="file" type="string" required="yes">
>   <cfargument name="path" required="true" type="string" 
> default="#variables.documentpath#">
>   <cfset var contenttype = 
> variables.utilities.getMimeType(arguments.file)>
>   <cfset var returnString = "">
>   <cfif checkfile(arguments.file, arguments.path)>
>   <cfsavecontent variable="returnString">
>   <CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition" VALUE="inline; 
> filename=#arguments.file#">
>   <cfcontent type="#contenttype#" 
> file="#arguments.path##arguments.file#">
>   </cfsavecontent>

I wouldn't be surprised if this is caused by using CFHEADER within
CFSAVECONTENT. That combination strikes me as problematic, and I would try
to avoid it.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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