> Store your meaningless stuff in cookies.  Only use them in cases where
> you will never need to set the cookie and read back from it within the
> same template.  Never use them if you set them and cflocation to
> something else that needs to use the cookie value (both of these
> limitations can be overcome but why bother since...

"The documentation incorrectly states that setting cookie on the same
page you use cflocation would result in the cookie not being set. The
cookie will be set correctly.
Stephen M. Gilson

As of MX, the CFCOOKIE/CFLOCATION issue isn't a concern anymore, right?

> The above assumes you don't have situations where a race condition can
> arise.  This should be a rare thing in the session scope, but if its
> there you *will* have to lock the writes (only) to the session scope.

(Slightly OT) This is something I've wondered about for a while.  It's
obvious why you need to CFLOCK writes to the application scope since
there are likely to be many users accessing application scope
variables all over the place.  I've heard that locking session
variables is important if you use frames or if a user were to
repeatedly hit the refresh button on a page where session variables
are written to unlocked.  My question is, does CFLOCK scope=session
type=exclusive impact performance significantly?  Or for that matter,
would a type=readonly impact it as well?  I don't know enough about
CFLOCK and whether it's locking just that users' spot of shared memory
or the entire area of shared memory where session vars are stored.  If
it's the former I'd guess the performance impact is negligible, and in
the case of the latter I'd guess it's significant.  I've gotten in the
habit of locking session variables EVERYWHERE because of the serious
concerns pre-MX, but if this is having a negative impact on
performance I'm not aware of I'd appreciate it if someone would let me
know - thanks :)


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