Eric Creese wrote: > I have an ecom app I put together sometime ago. I need to allow for tired > pricing for a customer so when some one updates their basket I need to 1.) do > a check on the product and see if it has tiered pricing. 2.) if it does I > need to determine the correct tier. 3.) apply the update to the basket.
The first step is to generalise the logic which goes hand in hand with database normalization: make every product have tiered pricing. Some product will have only one tier for all quantities, but now you can use one set of logic for all products :) > <!----table headers---> > <table border="0" width="95%" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"> Please make code easy to read for us. Layout like alignment and fonts is not relevant for the problem you have, which is application logic, so just remove it. Remember, everything that makes it easier for us to answer increases the chance you get an answer. Besides, you should be using CSS for the layout :) > <cflock scope="SESSION" timeout="30"> > <cfscript> > NumberItems = ArrayLen(Session.arrBasket); > ProductID = Session.arrBasket[Request.idx][1]; > ProductName = Session.arrBasket[Request.idx][2]; > Price = Session.arrBasket[Request.idx][3]; > Qty = Session.arrBasket[Request.idx][4]; > </cfscript> Price and ProductName are not independent properties, they depend on ProductID and Qty. Do you really want to store them redundantly in the session? I think it would be easier to just store ProductID and Qty in the session and get the rest from the database when you need it. With a typical data structure of a product table (productID, productName) and a price table (priceID, productID, prodFrom, prodTo, price) getting the values for dsplay in the basket would have a logic like: <cfset variables.productlist = ''> <cfset variables.qtylist = ''> <cflock session ...> <cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(Session.arrBasket)#" index="variables.idx"> <cfset ListAppend(variables.productlist,Session.arrBasket[variables.idx][1])> <cfset ListAppend(variables.qtylist,Session.arrBasket[variables.idx][4])> </cfloop> </cflock> <cfif ListLen(variables.productlist)> <cfquery name="basket"> SELECT productID, product.productName, price.price FROM product INNER JOIN price USING productID WHERE productID = <cfqueryparam value="#ListFirst(variables.productlist)#"> AND <cfqueryparam value="#ListFirst(variables.qtylist)#"> BETWEEN price.prodFrom AND price.prodTo <cfloop from="2" to="#ListLen(variables.productlist)#" index="#variables.idx#"> UNION SELECT productID, product.productName, price.price FROM product INNER JOIN price USING productID WHERE productID = <cfqueryparam value="#ListGetAt(variables.productlist, variables.idx)#"> AND <cfqueryparam value="#ListGetAt(variables.qtylist, variables.idx)#"> BETWEEN price.prodfrom AND price.prodto </cfloop> </cfquery> <cfelse> something> </cfif> One caveat: BETWEEN is inclusive, so be carefull not to create overlapping ranges. Jochem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account. Message: Archives: Subscription: Unsubscribe: Donations & Support: